Useful Information

About Your Newly Refinished Floors
How long must I wait before I can walk on the newly refinished floors, and put furniture and rugs back on the floor?
From the time the final coat is applied, it is important you stay off the floors overnight. You may walk on the floors that next day (as long as the floor does not feel tacky).
For the first week you should take extra care that the bottom of your shoes are clean and grit free so that the finish will not be scratched. The finish will be dry overnight, but poly-urethane needs time to cure and harden. The rule of thumb is that wood floor finishes are 80% cured by the end of two weeks; the floor will be completely cured and hardened after a full year.
How about putting furniture on the floor?
You may put furniture on your newly finished floor the very next day (as long as the floor does not feel tacky). Remember though, that the floor is dry, but not fully hardened. Precautions to take so that your floor will not be marred or scratched include:
- Place protection on legs of furniture (felt or rug pads, rubber coasters- available at hardware and home stores).
- When placing furniture down please do not drag, push, pull, slide on rugs or blankets or wiggle the pieces into place. Set down each piece exactly in the position you would like it to be in.
How long must I wait before I can place area rugs on the floor?
Please wait about three days before you put down area rugs on the floor. If you place them too soon you may have shaded areas that will be visible when you remove them. Please do place mats in entry areas as soon as possible though.
**Note: Drying times are affected by temperature and humidity. (Higher humidity and lower temps = longer drying time)
About Cleaning and Maintaining Your Newly Refinished Floors
How should I care for my Refinished Wood Floors to keep them looking great?
You may clean your wood floors by dust mop, broom, vacuum, and swifters. It is important to keep dirt and sand off floors as they will scratch and ‘sand’ the floor. Mats at doors and in high traffic areas (halls, by counters) are very helpful.
How should I clean my Refinished Wood Floors when they become dirty?
You can use a products such as Bona or Bruce Wood Floor Cleaners made specifically for wood floors. They are sold at most hardware stores or home stores. These types of products often come in a cleaning kit or in bottles that you would use on a damp mop.
You can also clean your hardwood floor by damp mopping it with a well wrung out mixture of 10% ammonia or vinegar to 90% water. After you damp mop it then dry it with a dry towel (Treat the polyurethane on your floor as you might windows and mirrors – it is a clear finish over your natural wood).
Can I use soaps, oil-soaps, waxes or other floor re-shining products?
Do not use soap products on your floor, including oil soaps. They will leave a film and may also make it difficult to recoat your floor again with polyurethane. It is important to never wax your polyurethaned floor, it may become dangerously
slippery, and it will impede recoating in the future.
About Recoating your Polyurethaned Floors
How Long will my floor retain its finish?
It should look good for five to ten years or longer. The floors wear- ability depends on the traffic and how well it’s maintained.
What do I do when the floor loses its shine and starts showing wear?
The best thing to do is to call us at the first sign of wear (when the floor begins to look dull in the high traffic areas). We can come in, screen it and give it a new coat of urethane, as long as there is no serious scratches or stains. This process is far less expensive and quicker than having to re-sand and recoat the floors.

Staining Floors

Sousa Floors recommends Min-wax oil based stains for most flooring projects where a change from the natural color of the wood is desired. The Min-wax stains allow the natural graining of the wood to come through even darker stained floors.
Staining wood adds an extra day or two to the refinishing process, as well as an increase in the per square foot rate.

Minwax® Wood Finish™ is a penetrating oil-based wood stain, which provides beautiful rich color that enhances the natural wood grain. It applies easily and penetrates deep into the pores of the wood.
- Available in 28 beautiful colors (shown above).
- Can be used to add beauty to any bare or stripped wood surface.
- It is ideal for staining unfinished wood furniture, cabinets, wood door, trim, molding and hardwood floors.